Lavender Blue and Powder Pink: the new colours in the Keecie collection.
All our leather colours are made especially for us in Italy. Colour is something personal and that's why our collection varies from subtle Dusty Green to cheerful Coral red. Something for everyone's liking.
Great news: we have now added two new colours to the Keecie range! Selecting the colours is an elaborate process. Perhaps that's why we don't often add colours to the collection. Important starting points are that a new colour fits well with the existing Keecie collection and that it is both contemporary and timeless.
So first of all we start by collecting all kinds of samples. Nature is our greatest source of inspiration. On my daily bike ride from home to the office, I ride through a beautiful green area. Every season you see new colour shades. And if I need some extra inspiration, you can find me in the Hortus, the botanical garden in the heart of Amsterdam. They have such a diversity of flowers and plants there. Every time I go I discover something new.
Over the years I have also – almost unnoticed - built-up various collections. I really like old stationery and old envelopes for example. In the 15 available Keecie colours you are sure to find colours that can be traced back to this. But ordinary things such as the toothbrush you see in the photo on the right can also serve perfectly to find the right shade.
Lavender Blue & Powder Pink
As for the new colours. We thought it was time for a contemporary colour that matches well with both dark and brighter shades. Tadaa: Lavender Blue. A lilac with a blue undertone.
The new Powder Pink is more nude than the Soft Pink we had in the collection. You can find so many shades of pink in flowers. Like in the hollyhock or this flower that I came across while walking. It is handy that nowadays you can capture this straight away with your phone. So that you can place the photo directly next to other colour samples you have assembled at home or in the office.
Find it difficult to choose a colour or do you want to see which of the new colours best suits your other Keecie's? No problem. We are happy to send you a number of colour swatches. You can request a maximum of 5 samples via, stating your name, address and your desired colours.